Cut felt cloth. Seam allowances is 5 millimeters. But the hem doesn't need margin.

Sew the hood. Make gathers the bottom of the hood. Sew it to the cape.

Attach ribbons. Stitch lace or frill if you like.

And she becomes Little Red Riding Hood.

When using ordinary cloth, add margin and facing.

She loitered and picked flowers.
Cape with hood pattern.
Contents of this doll:
Head making of simple felt doll.
Body making.
Body finish.
Bodice and apron.
Runo's sites:
Boy Dolls
Cute underwear for men
It's incredibly beautiful!!!!!! I love your doll:)
She's sooooo cute!
she looks amazing!!!
OMG awesome! it looks so gorjuss, I love it!
Wonderful. By Mojca
Patrząc na pierwsze zdjęcia pomyślałam. Gdyby miał czapeczkę, to byłby istny Czerwony Kapturek i marzenie się spełniło.
Cudna laleczka.
OMG! Stunning! Will put this on my to do list. But...we would need a nice wolf now :)
she is so lovely! I love your blog too, you have a huge amount of talent :-)
This is cool!
Obrigada, Runo, pelos moldes e explicações. Fiz sua boneca, mas como Pequeno Príncipe. Obrigada.
Your blog is very great. Thank you, I found here many useful and interesting ideas!
Thank you so much for this tutorial! She's adorable! I've been looking for a felt doll pattern to make for a friend's little girls and this one is so perfect!
It's the first time I'm writtting to a japanese person ! ;-) I'm french, and I think the title should be "Le petit chaperon rouge" the autor was Charles Perrault a french man. He was born in Paris in 1628. Not a german autor.
I discover your site today, I love it !
I really loved his pattern, it was simple and beautiful. I didn't have any fabric paint so I embroidered the eyes. I think they would have turned out better if they were painted like runos where, but I still like it nd my sisters love it! I'm going to give it to one of them on Christmas, so I won't have any pictures on my blog until then, but here is a link to my blog, I will also recomment with a link to my blog when I post about it. Thank you so much for all the wonderful free patterns Runo! I made the panther about two years ago for my sisters first birthday, and though it's now flat and getting old, she still loves it :)
Simple is beautifaul,Congratulations!
Pictures on my blog here
I love it! I was thinking of making one, but I have not gotten any materials yet.
I just wanna say THANKS for all the patterns to create a doll. I'm currently creating one with a special design of clothes and eyes for my secret santa. Sadly I don't have a sewing machine so I'm sewing all by hand. When I finish, I'll share you some pictures of the final result, but thanks again for doing all of this! I don't usually sew and I found this super easy to follow.
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