Pattern of the squirrel.

Pieces. No seam allowance.

Sew the darts of the cheeks and the belly with back stitch. Darts are sewn from inside.

Sew the crown to the head from outside.

Sew the belly to the body.

Put wires in the legs.
Stuff fiberfill in it.

Stitch the nose. It is the same as the rabbit's.
Attach the eyes.

Sew the ears. Fold the ear and sew it to the head.

Sew the tail. Put fiberfill in it. Sew it to the hips.

If you sew all from inside, add seam allowance.

Stripes are painted with a felt-tip pen.

Runo's site:
Boy Dolls
Cute underwear for men
It's lovely, thank you! :) /Vera
What a beautiful squirrel!
I was looking for a squirrel to give along with a children's book series called The Mistmantle Chronicles, and this is perfect. There are lots of moles, otters and hedgehogs in the books, too -- if you ever come up with a pattern for any of those, I'd be happy to use them! :-)
Greetings from Sweden,
Hi Runo
I have found your great blog, which I really like it. I enjoyed to read your posts and wonderful dolls.
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Thank you very much for sharing this pattern! I used it in my project:
Greetings from Poland,
Wow i love it!
I linked you and the pattern.
I use it for our crochet Along we also use felt patterns.
I maked the squirrel i must say it wasn't that easy for me ;-) but i love the result.
Hi - thanks for the tutorial. I taught my 10 yr old daughter how to sew with this project and it turned out so cute.
Hi Runo, Thank you for sharing your lovely squirrel pattern.
Greetings from Australia!
Thank you very much for this patern, my son will enjoy it.
From france, Claire
You have no idea how much joy this little one has brought into my life. I will always be thankful for it
Really cute squirrel! I made it from an old suede jacket, an old fuzzy face cloth for the belly and used a big fur pompom for the tail, it looks amazing!! Suede is definitely trickier to stitch through though!
Thankyou for the pattern, it is beautiful and dimensional and perfect!
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