It may be difficult to cut a small piece.
Felt does not fray, but the edge is fragile.
I don't think there is a shortcut.
This is one of methods I do. It's rather good, but not very easy.
Draw or print all pieces of pattern on thin paper.
Cut them with margin. Make 1 or a few holes in each piece.

Stick it to felt with scotch tape.

Cut paper, tape and felt together. Remove tape and paper.

Thank you for showing how to cut tiny bits of felt, I will try it.
freezer paper is great stuff, if you can get it. comes in a long box like aluminum foil or plastic wrap. one side of it has light wax. put this side to the felt and iron at low heat, this heats up the wax and sticks to the felt. is easy to peel off. can print or draw patterns on the paper side of it, and keeps fabric sturdy while cutting. can peel up and reuse over and over what you didn't cut.
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