Goth-loli (Gothic and Lolita) is a sort of fashion culture of Japanese girls.
It is kawaii (cute) goth.
Basic making is the same way as fashion doll.
The body is slim. I painted eyes and lips with acrylic color.

One-piece dress.

Decorate with lace and ribbon.


How to make locks.
Put glue on the edge of a strip of hair.
Wind the hair around a thin stick.
Dry it with hair dryer or an iron.
Remove the stick.

You may sew the headdress to the wig.


Shoes and boots. The shoelace is an embroidery thread.

It is better if you make peticoat and panties.

How to make panties (very easy).


Love it! Thanks for sharing :)
thank you for a lesson . I love Your blog
Wonderful dolls! Thank you so much!
Runo - your designs are wonderful! Thank you for allowing me to use them. I will make toys for my grandchildren to love.
Passei para conhecer seu cantinho e adorei!!! Parabéns pelos belos trabalhos e pelo blog, abraços, Kátia.
We saw your blog today at the first time. My husband is very impressed. You make wonderful things. Thank you for sharing.
tak nádherné bábiky, keby som mohla obložím si celú izbu, dakujem,idem skúša´t
Están muy originales. Enhorabuena por su blog
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