Wonderful! You've done it again; a great pattern!! I was wondering, could you make a panda bear? It's my daughter's favorite animal, and she would be the happiest person in the world if she got a stuffed panda made by her mom for her birthday! If you don't have time, I understand. Just please try anyway. Thanks SO much!!
Thank you again for posting this amazing pattern - your animals are almost life-like.
Wonderful! You've done it again; a great pattern!!
I was wondering, could you make a panda bear? It's my daughter's favorite animal, and she would be the happiest person in the world if she got a stuffed panda made by her mom for her birthday!
If you don't have time, I understand. Just please try anyway.
Thanks SO much!!
I think that this is your best pattern.... simply great!! it totally looks as alive, thanks for post it for our use!!
Just found your wonderful site- amazing and I love this panther. You are a true artist.
Thank you so much for sharing .
from Debbie
Wow, they are gorgeous!!! Just what I have been looking for!! Thank you so much!!
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