Refer to elephant about sewing.

Ears, tail, hoofs and mane.

Glue 2 sheets of felt and cut out a circle. This is a hoof.
Ears are almost the same as hamster's.
Wind a white thread (double) on the upper of a bunch of black threads. It's a tail.
The mane is black and white threads (see pattern image).
Sew the neck and the mane.

Sew beads as eyes.
Glue hoofs to the legs after stuffing.

I use oily felt-tip pen and dye pen for painting.

Attach the tail and the ears.


Love your little zebra... it looks so much like the Steiff zebra I bought for my daughter 35 years ago!
That is SO CUTE! Painting him is such a lovely idea. Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.
Just found your blog through OPT... and I LOVE IT!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing, here you have a Fan! ;-D
Hugs and Kisses
that's cools zebra... :)
Your patterns are fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing!
I love your blog! This toys are so cute!
Have a great week.
gorgeous little zebra - have followed youe and will look forward to seeing your future creations.
Is beauty. Thanks so much.
HI! i visited your blog: congratulations it's very beautiful! Come to visit my blog (terradeduendes.blogspot.com).
This is so great!
Thank you for sharing your amazing pattern!^^
Preciosa tu cebrita, gracias por el tutorial, bess
Very good!
Great zebra, very nice.
It's so adorable!
I love your blog. I love to sew stuffed animals and needle felted ones. These are adorable.
Here's an attempt: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/394442_10151145478600632_853165631_22206397_301290412_n.jpg
dear nuno,
thank you for this pattern. I enlarged it and used it to sew a unicorn for my oldest daughter and it worked :)
love greetings
Thanks for the pattern.
My daughter asked Santa for a "purple and orange zebra".
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